Investor Relations

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Financial Information
Financial Information
Financial Results

Local Rating
BRC S&P Report:
Value and Risk:
International Rating
Moody's Investors Service Report:
September 27, 2024
Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Itaú Colombia, Cra 7 N°99-53 floor 21 virtual and on-site presentation 8:00 a.m.
April 25, 2024
Annual Results 2023 Itaú Bank
Virtual Presentation 2:30 p.m.
March 21, 2024
Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
Itaú Colombia, Cra 7 N°99-53 floor 21 virtual and on-site presentation 8:00 a.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Itaú Colombia
You will find all the information you need on our new website https://banco.itau.co/web/personas/home.
Its objectives are to ratify our commitment to the pursuit of sustainable development; to formalize Itaú Colombia's sustainability strategy; and to specify guidelines for the continuous improvement of our sustainability approach, based on good environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) practices.
There are several means of customer service such as e-mails (servicioalcliente@itau.co, servicio.empresarial@itau.co), branches, telephone banking and mobile banking. Learn more on the bank's home page in the customer service section.
Itaú has two local ratings, one by BRC S&P of AAA and by Value & Risk of AAA and an international rating by Moody's of Baa3. Learn more on the investor relations page in the risk ratings section.
The largest shareholding is held by our parent company Itaú Chile with 94.5%, Itaú Holdings Colombia SAS with 4.5% and other minorities with 0.5%. Find more information in our shareholder list.
Banco Itaú Colombia's General Shareholders' Meeting is generally held in March of each year. Find more information in our General Shareholders' Meeting section on the investor relations page.
Itaú Colombia holds 100% of Itaú Panamá, 95% of Itaú Comisionista de bolsa, and 94% of Itaú Fiduciaria.
Update of stationery due to change of name from Itaú CorpBanca to Itaú Colombia S.A.
If you are the owner of a share certificate issued by Banco Alemán Antioqueño, Banco Comercial Antioqueño, Bancoquia, Banco Santander Colombia, Banco Corpbanca and/or Helm Bank, in order to enjoy your political and economic rights, such as claiming dividends, it is necessary to update your share certificate at Itaú.
Please note that this process may take up to two months, however, any news regarding this matter will be communicated to the email and/or telephone number you provide for this purpose.
The process of updating your share certificate does not have any cost, however, the costs associated with the documentation and its delivery must be assumed by the shareholder.
Shareholder attendance at General Shareholders' Meetings
The presentation of your identification document to the Itaú delegate will be sufficient to prove your status as a shareholder.
All the information related to a General Shareholders' Meeting is available on our web portal https://banco.itau.co/web/personas/home . There you can consult dates, meeting agenda, location, information of interest and even find proxy forms and documents required for the representation of your shares in the respective meeting.
Likewise, please note that once you arrive at the meeting you must present the documents that identify you as a shareholder of the Bank.
In order for a proxy to represent a shareholder in an ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting, he/she must provide a copy of: (i) his/her identification document (valid for no more than 30 days for legal entities); (ii) the identification document of his/her proxy (valid for no more than 30 days for legal entities); (iii) the power of attorney that Itaú provides on its website (completed and authenticated at a Notary's office).
In order to represent a shareholder in a Shareholders' Meeting or, in any other procedure related to its shares, it is necessary to provide a copy of the power of attorney authenticated in a Notary's office (if the power of attorney is granted within Colombia) and, in addition, legalized in accordance with the Hague Apostille Convention, if the power of attorney is granted outside the country.
Likewise, please note that your attorney-in-fact must have all the necessary powers to represent you.
Dividends are the share of money that a company may decide to distribute among its shareholders. Thus, if economic profits are earned during a year, Itaú's Board of Directors will decide, in accordance with the law and its bylaws, whether these profits will be reinvested in the Bank or if, on the contrary, all or part of these profits will be paid out as dividends.
Regarding the above, please note that the distribution of corporate profits will be made in proportion to your participation in the capital stock, i.e. your number of shares.
Once they are declared and approved, in accordance with the law and its bylaws, at the end of each fiscal year and at least once a year. Please note that dividends may be declared only if there are profits.
You can make this request via e-mail to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co. Please note that your e-mail must be accompanied by documents proving your status as a shareholder.
Sale process, inheritance and unification of title
Itaú shares are freely tradable and, therefore, you can sell them to any external party interested in acquiring Itaú shares. Likewise, the Bank's shares are not listed on the Stock Exchange and the Bank is not repurchasing its shares, in accordance with the legal prohibition established by the Organic Statute of the Financial System in its Chapter 1, Article 10, paragraph b). However, we have a list in which we include the data of the shareholders who are interested in selling shares so that, in the event that someone interested in acquiring them communicates or becomes aware of a Takeover Bid (OPA), they can contact you to reach an agreement or if you wish, you can participate in the Offer.
In this sense, if you wish to register your shares in the aforementioned database, you may do so via e-mail to the address gobierno.corporativo@itau.co. Please, do not forget to provide with your request your identification and contact information (e-mail, address, telephone, etc.).
Once they are declared and approved, in accordance with the law and its bylaws, at the end of each fiscal year and at least once a year. Please note that dividends may be declared only if there are profits.
You can make this request via e-mail to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co. Please note that your e-mail must be accompanied by documents proving your status as a shareholder.
Certifications and replacement of share certificates (loss and theft)
These requests can be made via e-mail to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co.
These requests can be made via e-mail to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co.
You can make this request via e-mail to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co. Please note that your e-mail must be accompanied by documents proving your status as a shareholder.
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About Itaú Colombia
About Itaú Colombia
We want to be our clients' bank of choice

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Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Get to know our current business structure at Itaú
Structure in Colombia

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Debt issuances
Debt issuances
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To request Income Certificates related to shares, please send a copy of the title together with the application to gobierno.corporativo@itau.co.
Shareholders list
Structure in Colombia

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Relevant Information
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